
Saturday, December 28, 2013

We need a party

God give three important celebration to Israel. These celebrations proclaim God's faithfulness.
God is faithful to Israel even if the Jews are not faithful to God.

Exodus 23:14

 Three times a year you are to celebrate a festival to me.


The three Celebration

1)The Passover describes this. Slaying and eating a lamb, together with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast in every household. The purpose is this. Remember Israel's deliverance from Egypt.

2) The feast of the harvest describes this. A festival of joy; mandatory and voluntary offerings. The fruits of the wheat harvest. This celebration should have joy and thankfulness of the Lord's blessing of the harvest.

3) The feast of the Booths describes this. A week of celebration for the harvest; living in booths and offering sacrifices. The purpose is this. Memorialize the journey from Egypt to Canaan; people needed to give thanks to the productivity of Canaan.

Exodus 23:15-19


15 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread; for seven days eat bread made without yeast, as I commanded you. Do this at the appointed time in the month of Aviv, for in that month you came out of Egypt.
“No one is to appear before me empty-handed.
16 “Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field.
“Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.
17 “Three times a year all the men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord.
18 “Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast.
“The fat of my festival offerings must not be kept until morning.
19 “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God.

I have good news  for mankind. We need to understand Jesus. 

Hebrews 10:1-18

 The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. Otherwise, would they not have stopped being offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said:
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
    but a body you prepared for me;
with burnt offerings and sin offerings
    you were not pleased.
Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—
    I have come to do your will, my God.’”
First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them”—though they were offered in accordance with the law. Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool. 14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
15 The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says:
16 “This is the covenant I will make with them
    after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts,
    and I will write them on their minds.”
17 Then he adds:
“Their sins and lawless acts
    I will remember no more.”
18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.
“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.

I need to explain the young goat in its mother's milk. This explains a pagan ritual. A person can have meat with milk.

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