
Saturday, August 15, 2015

The funeral is near

Sarah was dead and Abraham was feeling sad. There is no worst feeling then seeing the dead body of a person.
Abraham was thinking about the good times with Sarah. Adam ate the fruit so death and sin will rule this earth until the Second return of Christ.
There needs to be a time of sorrow so a person can recover from the pain. Many people will desire a burial and a funeral.
Abraham had a casket for Sarah and needed some land for her burial. Abraham wanted to honor Sarah.
He went to local people with land. He wanted to buy property from the local people.
I don't like the topic of death but everyone will die. We will see our mothers and fathers in a casket.
We need to be ready when we die. People plan for jobs, houses and vocations but people don't plan for eternal life.
If a person haven't received eternal life before the day of death. Then that person will have eternal punishment.
How can a person avoid eternal punishment?
Everyone has sinned and we deserve to go to hell. Mankind is accountable to God.
So Jesus came to this earth. Jesus is God. He lived a perfect life and died on the cross.
He was the perfect sacrifice on the cross then he arose from the dead.
A person must repent from their sins and follow him. Then that person have eternal life.

Genesis 23:3-4


Then Abraham rose from beside his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites. He said, “I am a foreigner and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead.”

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