
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Money is evil

Many people think that money is evil. These people think the rich people are the problem. Many people think that rich people are evil.
Money is not good or evil. If a person is wise then that person will use their money for good causes. If a person is foolish then that person will use their money for bad causes.
God gives people money and people need to use money for the good.
There are some people that have money and invest their money with intelligence. I believe that is excellent but a person must honor the Lord.
A person needs to have Jesus in their heart to understand the concept of money. A person doesn't own the money but that person don't own the money. When that person died then someone have their money.
A person needs to give to their church and to the work of the Lord. Then the Lord will bless their money.
God wants the soul of the person. So repent from your sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then you need to ask the Lord to give you wisdom in the concept of money.

Proverbs 14:24

 The wealth of the wise is their crown,
    but the folly of fools yields folly.

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