
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Known facts of this life

The sea has boundaries

Proverbs 8:29

 when he gave the sea its boundary
    so the waters would not overstep his command,
and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.


The life is in the blood


Leviticus 17:11

  For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.


The disease can spread by physical contract


Leviticus 13:12-16


12 “If the disease breaks out all over their skin and, so far as the priest can see, it covers all the skin of the affected person from head to foot, 13 the priest is to examine them, and if the disease has covered their whole body, he shall pronounce them clean. Since it has all turned white, they are clean. 14 But whenever raw flesh appears on them, they will be unclean. 15 When the priest sees the raw flesh, he shall pronounce them unclean. The raw flesh is unclean; they have a defiling disease. 16 If the raw flesh changes and turns white, they must go to the priest.


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