Most textbooks clam that when we observe many thin layers of sediments called lamina, sometimes only millimeters thick. It took a season, a year, or years to lay each of the layers.
Are long periods of time necessary for what we observe geologically? The answer is no! It has been observed that large canyons can form rapidly. It is also now known that many lamina can form rapidly. But what about other geological events such as coal and oil formation?
The science textbooks teaches this. A coal seam is a flat, lens-shaped body having the same surface area as the swamp in which it originally accumulated. Most coal seems ten to occur in groups. This clustering indicates that the coal most have formed in a slowly subsiding site of sedimentation.
The Great Dismal Swamp Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina is one of the largest modern peat swamps. It contains an average thickness of 2 Meters of peat. However, unless this swamp last for millions of years, even that dense growth is insufficient to produce a coal seam as thick as some of the seams in Pennsylvania.
The story is standard for how coal is formed, it takes long periods of time and requires swamps and swamp-type vegetation. The only problem with this account is that is just a story. A strong evidence against long ages for coal formation are Polystrate fossils, which are found in coal beds. These are tree fossils, which sometimes span many span many coals seams (30 or more feet tall).
If coal took millions of years to form, then none of these Polystrate fossils (tree fossils) should be there. They would have rotted in a short time but yet they are there. This is observable evidence that coal can form rapidly. Some scientists have noticed that the trees found in coal bed did not grow there, they were likely at that place because a catastrophic event. I call the catastrophic event a flood.
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