
Friday, August 2, 2013

The forever memory

This world is temporal so people lack hope. People lack hope because many don't know the future. I can't predict this life but I talk to the Maker.

I am tired of this world and I wonder many things. God is my strength when I am weak. Our work is a blessing but many times we don't like the people. It seems that people always complain and never say a nice word.

If you work hard and you have Jesus in your life. Then you will have rewards in heaven. Jesus sees all of your life and he will honor a person. If the person do things for Jesus.

I have sad news. Many people reject Jesus. If a person doesn't follow Jesus, then the person is wicked. We sin and we need to repent.

A person can do many things and the things can be good. The person is wicked without Jesus. When a person dies without Jesus then there is a ruined life. We all deserve hell.

God loves people, he desire this. People need to repent from their sins and follow him. When a person follows Jesus then the life is the forever memory in glory.

Proverbs 10:7

 The memory of the righteous is blessed,
But the name of the wicked will rot.


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