
Saturday, October 11, 2014

The perverted mind

A person can have a good mind or a perverted mind. This life has many option in the direction of the person life. God has given people chooses. If a person wants to reject the way's of the Lord then there is perversion.
I like this example. There are many internet websites in this world. Some of the websites are have great wisdom and knowledge. If a person research on these website then they will be smarter.
But there are bad websites. These websites are not good. It will bring virus onto the device that the person is using and bad information.
This is true for mankind because our lives are like a internet website. People can see our lives and see what our lives goals and belief. What type of website do you have? A good website or bad website.
If a person have a transformed mind in Jesus then God will download good information to the recipient. This person will be a blessing to mankind.
If a person want iniquity then the person will be self-center. There will be only virus in the person life and words. No one likes a perverted mind. Only the perverted like that perversion.

Proverbs 12:8

 A man is praised for how wise he is.
    But people hate those who have twisted minds.

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