
Monday, November 11, 2013

The Pagan idea

This Bible verse is very interesting. The verse explains bestiality. The act of bestiality is sex with an animal.
Ancient myths describe acts of bestiality performed by pagan gods in Babylon and  Canaan.

Mankind in ancient days performed the same sin as their pagan gods.  It is amazing that people would have sex with an animal but it shows the darkness of the human heart.

In the modern day, mankind say this. We don't have sex with animals but the sinful heart will do detestable acts in the name of their gods. The sin of mankind promote death. Today, mankind can have the impure heart like the cultures of the Babylonians and Canaanites.

God doesn't want to see death. He wants to see life in people. Mankind is dead without Jesus. Mankind commit sin and one sin leads to death. Jesus died on the cross and arose from the dead. If a person accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour   because Jesus can forgive our sins. Then a person can be forgiven and go to heaven. If a person refuse to repent then their soul damned to hell.

Exodus 22:19

 Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.

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